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стимулююче перепитування, прагматична модальність, прагматичне мовлення, діалог, мовлення Stimulating echo-q uestions, pragmatic modality, pragmatic speech, dialogue, speech

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Stimulating echo-questions are a special type of interrogative sentences, the stimulating means of which consists in the special influence on the speaker and in the fact that he serves as a communicative means. The idea of stimulating echoquestions is justified in the research which is from the linguistic point of view is the repeatedly emersion of the speech unit in a certain period of speech at the appropriate linguistic level. The phenomenon of stimulating echo-questions takes place at all linguistic levels. There is a close relationship between stimulating echo-questions at different levels: units enter into syntagmatic and paradigmatic relationships within one level, and stimulating echo-questions at higher levels include stimulating echo-questions at lower levels. An example of the interaction of units of speech levels is the interaction of lexical and morphological levels. It is expedient to consider stimulating echo-questions in dialogic speech. On the one hand, different types of stimulating echo-questions can interact within the three-phrase dialogue and on the other hand, one of these types of structural-lexical connection can connect all or only two of the three-phrase dialogue utterances. This linguistic phenomenon is seen as a means of expressing of the pragmatic modality. Taking into account the pragmatic modality of stimulating echo-questions at the appropriate linguistic levels, structural and semantic features of stimulating echo-questions, the classification of stimulating echo-questions into morphological, lexical, syntactic and textual is carried out. Stimulating echo-questions can also be partial. These are stimulating echo-questions that repeat only one structural element of the previous statement; partially –complicated echo-questions . These are stimulating echo-questions in which several words of the previous utterance are repeated; complete stimulating echo-questions that repeat the previous statement completely; transformed stimulating echo-questions, those ones that change the grammatical structure or lexical content of the components; double stimulating echo-questions that repeat one or more elements of the previous statement, or the whole statement twice. The functioning of different types of stimulating echo-questions, which participate in the organization of speech, is considered as a means of expressing the pragmatic modality of echo-questions.
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