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етнопсихологія, особливості, іноземні студенти, міжнаціональне спілкування, національний характер, іноземна мова ethnopsychology, characteristics, international students, interethnic communication, national character, foreign language

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This article considers the ethnopsychological characteristics of the representatives of Arab countries and Africa, including their values and attitudes to various aspects of life, as well as the factors that led to the formation of these psychological characteristics, stereotypes, and principles of interaction with the cultural environment. Ethnopsychological issues nowadays can be defined as one of the most relevant with an eye on the ever-growing trend towards polymixing – mixing and interaction of different ethnic communities. The publication analyzes the study of psychological aspects of interethnic interaction of cultures, which indicate that the content and results of various intercultural contacts depend on the ability of those taking part to reach an agreement. Intercultural communication requires a significant development of ethno-political awareness, a tolerant attitude to other culture, national customs and traditions. Emphasis is placed on the peculiarities of international students’ education in higher education institutions of Ukraine, which is an urgent issue due to the growth of the international student mobility. Training of international students has a political, economic, and social significance for the country, and therefore, the settlement and harmonization of the interaction of the individual with the new cultural, social, and educational environment is important in the educational process. The article highlights the problems the teachers face when working with Arab and African students and provides recommendations for their solution. The article notes that the real condition of modern Ukrainian higher education institutions is that in most cases, it is not possible to form the monolingual or mononational study groups. Thus, most often, the teacher works in a multiethnic study group. This requires the teacher to do some additional methodological and organizational work, to use various methods to increase efficiency, improve the quality of the educational process, resulting in the improved academic achievements. All these contribute to the qualitative formation of professional competence and professional training of international students.
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